Shopping Policy

Customized Product Returns :

Any product that has been customized to your specifications is not eligible for return unless it is received damaged. We take great care in crafting personalized items according to your preferences and cannot accept returns due to a change of mind.

Size Verification :

We urge our customers to carefully check the size specifications of each product before placing an order to prevent any inconvenience later on. It is essential to ensure that the dimensions meet your requirements and suit your space appropriately.

Returns Process :

In the event that you receive a damaged item or an incorrect product, please notify us immediately. While we do not offer pick-up services for returns, you can arrange for the item to be delivered to us via the nearest delivery service. Once the return is initiated, kindly share the details with us via email for further assistance.

Quality Assurance :

In the event that you receive a damaged item or an incorrect product, please notify us immediately. While we do not offer pick-up services for returns, you can arrange for the item to be delivered to us via the nearest delivery service. Once the return is initiated, kindly share the details with us via email for further assistance.